Common Marketing Mistakes

How To Avoid The Most Common Marketing Mistakes

Thousands of business small business owners fail to grow each year because of simple marketing mistakes that label them as amateurs.

I have created a checklist that will give you a major advantage over other businesses.

Let me email you the six deadly sins – and how to avoid them – before you waste your money and time.

Facts About
Strategy to Get More Business
The Marketing Checklist
  • Approximately 543,000 new businesses get started each month.
  • Over 50% of the working population works in a small business.
  • 52% of all small businesses are home-based.
  • Lack of a marketing strategy will cause stagnation in business revenue.
  • Failure to know your industry or your competition will result in slow growth.
I have created and continue to update this document to help you successfully navigate the marketing process.

Growing your business depends on many external factors. In this checklist, I will show you the big mistakes and how to correct them.

Who Am I and Why Should You Listen?

My name is Dale Obrochta.  I have been successful for over 30-years in retaining clients and living the entrepreneur dream lifestyle.  I vacations with family, goes fishing in the morning, and dines with friends in the evening, and lives his dream life.  My routine removed the stress of mortgage payment while allowing him to buy more toys. I will share with you my 90-minute routine.

Don’t be that fish out of the water. Take your business to the next level that you dream about and make it a reality.

 Don’t Commit 1 or More of these 6 Deadly Sins